Khubani / Dried Apricot / Jardalu

Product No.1017

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  • MRP Price₹ 513

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What is Apricot?

Apricot is a seeded fruit which has a golden skin with sweet and tangy pulp inside. Although fresh apricots are quite delicious to eat, they are not easily available in India. Dry Apricots are the widely known varieties of Apricots, used in making sweets and desserts. The seeds, also called “stones” are removed and the fruit with skin intact is dried to make it soft and pulpy.

Is Apricot Good For Health?

Apricots are not only great tasting fruits but are also packed with nutrition. They contain high amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Beta Carotene, Carotenoids that offer cart-load of benefits to your health. Rich in anti-oxidants, Apricots can reverse your ageing symptoms. These fruits also impart good digestion and strengthen your immune system.

Apricot Health Benefits:

Here we enlisted top 13 apricot health benefits. Let’s have a look into them.

1. Balanced Cholesterol Levels:

Apricots assure you of a happy heart, say, health experts. This is because the fruit has abundant vitamin C in it, which keeps the heart safe from attacks, diseases and strokes. It is a good way and a natural way to keep the cardiovascular system in check too. LDL or bad cholesterol is reduced and HDL is promoted, the latter being good cholesterol, say holistic experts. This is one of the best advantages of Apricot fruit.

2. Good Blood Circulation:

The fruit is blessed with plenty of iron in it, which helps in the transportation of oxygen in the blood and improves the circulation of blood as well. One also feels energized having an apricot, especially it’s juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach since it helps the blood flow increase. When the body has enough iron in it, there would be no ways that anaemia could attack.

3. Better Digestion:

Apricots are good for those who have problems with digestion. This is because the fruit is rich with dietary fibre and this helps the metabolism of the body increase. When the metabolism is high, constipation and digestion would be normal.

4. Improve Vision:

For healthy vision and the care of your eyes, it is important to have an apricot every day. This is because the fruit is rich in vitamins, A, C and E, which brings down the risks of eye issues at a later stage in life. Moreover, the fruit has carotenoids which help prevent macular degeneration too.

5. Prevents Cancer:

You can find numerous health benefits of apricots as it is a fabulous wellspring of cancer prevention agents. With apricots in your daily diet, the body now has a chance to stay far away from cancer. Free radicals are generally brought about because of contamination, sun rays and other ecological conditions. This is because the fruit is rich in antioxidants, which keep the cells of the body safe from the harmful effects of free radicals, say experts. They frustrate the procedure of cell development, prompting changes in the DNA of the cells. This prompts the development of malignancy cells in the body. Consequently, eat apricots all the time to shield yourself from the tumour. It contains large amounts of Vitamin A and C, which help the safe framework, battling disease bringing about cells.

6. Prevent Constipation:

Apricots contain a high measure of pectin, a dissolvable fibre, which provides relief from episodes of constipation thus adding another remarkable apricot fruit benefits. It is frequently prescribed to patients experiencing crabby gut disorder and obstruction. Fibre builds up the stool, making it simpler to transport through the insides. It enacts the peristaltic movement of the digestive tract, directing the defecation. The elevated amounts of fibre in apricot are likewise indispensable for colon well being.

7. Bone Health:

Apricots contain all the important supplements required for sound bone development. Accordingly, eating apricots frequently will provide the health benefits of apricots and guarantee the development and improvement of the bones. It will likewise avert age-related conditions, including osteoporosis. The mitigating properties of apricot lessen aggravation in the body, alleviating joint inflammation torment and gout.

8. Cure Fever:

Apricot juice is accepted to cure fever. Its mitigating and calming properties influence the body’s general temperature, curing fever. Set up a mixture utilizing apricot squeeze and water. Add 1 tablespoon of nectar to this mixture. Drink this creation twice per day to ease episodes of cold along with fever.

9. Healthy Heart:

Apricot health benefits are also extended towards maintaining a healthy heart. Apricot is an astounding organic product for keeping up heart well-being. Research has found that individuals who eat nourishment rich in Vitamin C are less helpless to heart ailments. The large amounts of dietary fibre expel the abundance of cholesterol from the veins, lessening the strain on the heart. It shields the low-thickness lipoprotein from oxidation, avoiding heart illnesses and stroke. Potassium in apricot manages the equalization of intracellular and extracellular water levels, along these lines controlling pulse. A large portion of a measure of apricot furnishes the body with 10% of the suggested measure of potassium.

10. Control Diabetes:

The low Glycaemic Index of apricots makes it ideal for Diabetic patients. These sweet fruits can be enjoyed guilt-free without worrying about increased blood sugar levels. While fresh apricots for diabetes patients are recommended, dry apricots when taken in moderate can also do wonders. Avoid canned apricots as they are filled with sugar and preservatives.

11. Apricot For Weight Loss:

Apricots are low calorie, nutrition-dense fruits making them perfect snacking options for those who are on a diet. Also, fresh apricots are quite filling and the sweetness of the fruit suppressed hunger levels. One serving of 2-3 small apricots can satiate you for a few hours without the need for binging on unhealthy junk! This is why apricot for weight loss is highly recommended by experts!

12. Prevents Liver Damage:

From a few experiments conducted on animals, it is inferred that Apricots could reduce certain liver disorders like Fatty Liver and improve its functionality. It can effectively reduce the inflammation of the Liver cell with its anti-oxidant properties and is also known to encourage liver regeneration.

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Purani Dilli Se.
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